Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The switch is a thyristor power switch designed to regulate thermal loads. It is used in technical processes related to the inclusion of large active loads.

Models: IPC

Regulators are single- and three-phase thyristor power regulators with microprocessor control, used in the industrial production of furnaces and in the processing of plastics.

Models: TYA 201, TYA 202

Switches - thyristor power switches are designed for contactless switching of AC consumers. It is used in the production of plastic packaging, in heating and air conditioning equipment, as well as industrial furnaces.

Models: TYA 432-45, TYA 432-100

All JUMO products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant JUMO: temperature meters, pressure and humidity sensors, electrical conductivity and acidity analyzers, level meters, flow registers
  • Indicators JUMO
    di 08, di eco, TDA 3000, etc.
  • Registrars JUMO
    LOGOSCREEN nt, etc.
  • Regulators JUMO
    cTRON, iTRON, DICON, etc.
  • Power supplies JUMO
    Power supplies
    707500, Ex-i, etc.
  • Power supplies JUMO
    Power supplies
    IPC, TYA201, TYA 432-45, etc.
  • Humidity meters JUMO
    Humidity meters
    907020, 907027, 907032, etc.
  • Flow meters JUMO
    Flow meters
    dTRANS p02 DELTA, etc.
  • Pressure transducers JUMO
    Pressure transducers
    dTRANS p02, dTRANS p33, etc.
  • Pressure switch JUMO
    Pressure switch
    DELOS SI, 4 ADS-82, etc.
  • Thermocouples JUMO
    901020, 901150, 901820, etc.
  • Pressure gauges JUMO
    Pressure gauges
    404110, 404312, etc.
  • Oxygen Analyzers JUMO
    Oxygen Analyzers
    dTRANS O201, ecolineODO, etc.
  • Electrical Wiring Analyzers JUMO
    Electrical Wiring Analyzers
    AQUIS 500 Ci, CTI-750, etc.
  • Thermostats JUMO
    heatTHERM, 608301, etc.
  • Thermal converters JUMO
    Thermal converters
    dTRANS T01, T01T, T05, etc.
  • Thermal accessories JUMO
    Thermal accessories
    608730, 909710, 909750, etc.
  • Measuring cells JUMO
    Measuring cells
    tecLine, BlackLine, etc.
  • Electrochemical sensors JUMO
    Electrochemical sensors
    ecoLine Ci, 201081 et al.
  • Chemical analyzers JUMO
    Chemical analyzers
    202701, ecoTRANS pH 03, etc.
  • Analyzer Accessories JUMO
    Analyzer Accessories
    202711, 202825, 202995, etc.

About JUMO

The company JUMO (Germany) was founded in 1947 and was engaged in the production of temperature sensors. Currently, the company is the largest manufacturer of instrumentation and automation equipment. JUMO products are used in the automation of technical processes and have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side in many countries of the world.
  • application

    JUMO products are widely used in the energy, food, pharmaceutical, heavy, metallurgical, pulp and paper and chemical industries.
  • quality

    The quality management system that functions reliably at the enterprise allows us to guarantee high accuracy and reliability of measurements, reliability in operation and efficiency.
  • assortment

    The JUMO product range covers the entire chain of measuring instruments from standard sensors to automation solutions for temperature, pressure, humidity and fluid analysis.

Information Board JUMO

Learn more about our products JUMO.
  • Catalog of temperature sensors из каталога JUMO
    Catalog of temperature sensors
  • Catalog of pressure measuring instruments поставщика JUMO
    Catalog of pressure measuring instruments
  • Catalog of recording devices от производителя JUMO
    Catalog of recording devices
  • Catalog of indicators and converters марки JUMO
    Catalog of indicators and converters
  • Questionnaire for thermometers поставщика JUMO
    Questionnaire for thermometers
  • Questionnaire for temperature converters изготовителя JUMO
    Questionnaire for temperature converters
  • Questionnaire for sensor electrodes производства JUMO
    Questionnaire for sensor electrodes
  • Questionnaire for Ph analyzers производства JUMO
    Questionnaire for Ph analyzers
  • Questionnaire for pressure gauges поставщика JUMO
    Questionnaire for pressure gauges
  • Questionnaire for electrical conductivity analyzers от производителя JUMO
    Questionnaire for electrical conductivity analyzers
  • Questionnaire for registrars. от производителя JUMO
    Questionnaire for registrars.


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